Abhishek Ranjan Singh

Passionate Engineer at the Intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning


Hey there! I’m Abhishek Ranjan Singh, an electrical engineer with a serious love for robotics and machine learning. I laid down my academic roots at North Carolina State University and Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology in India. These places not only gave me a strong foundation but also fueled my passion for diving deep into the tech world.

I’ve had the chance to work with some cool teams. At Apple in Austin, I delved into machine learning, creating object detection algorithms and tinkering with 3D Lidar streams. Over at Rizse, I played around with UAV path planning, adding a dash of real-time obstacle avoidance which was super exciting.

But it’s not all about work! My academic side projects have been a blast, too. My thesis on object detection was a challenging yet rewarding journey, and getting my research out into international journals was a cherry on top. Whether I’m coding in C++ or Python or exploring tools like ROS/ROS2, I’m always on the lookout for the next big thing in robotics and machine learning.


Jul 15, 2023 Open for new opportunities ! :sparkles: :smile:
Apr 22, 2018 Graduated with a bachelors in Electrical Engineering from MANIT, bhopal
Nov 07, 2015 A long announcement with details

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